Pest Management

ServiTech’s expert agronomists are a tremendous resource when looking to manage pests in your fields. Your crop specialist is able to assess your pest problem and give independent, unbiased advice on treatment options and methods, plus help you decide if treatment makes economic sense for your operation. 

Our agronomists keep up-to-date on the latest trends in pests and integrated pest management methods, and focus on the details when scouting your fields for trouble throughout the growing season. 

When we find problems, we’ll determine the best pest management solution by looking at:

If your pest problem meets an economic threshold where treatment costs are lower than the yield and income you’re losing, we’ll outline the best treatment options for your situation. That means we’ll recommend the most effective pesticide that gives you the most cost effective solution with the least negative impact to beneficial organisms.

For potential year-over-year pest and insect problems, every farm is different, and there’s no one-size fits all pest management solution. ServiTech agronomists look at crop rotation and crop varieties with resistant traits that may help address specific issues, and make other recommendations as needed. 

Preventative applications

We’re often asked about whether it’s a good idea to make a preventative pesticide application. The answer isn’t always straightforward and involves all the variables listed above, plus cropping history, your crop’s status and overall yield and profit goals. 

When the pest problem is clear and economics warrant, we’ll recommend the most cost-effective option that will best manage the problem. 

And when the economics don’t work out, we’ll be straight with you because ServiTech offers an independent voice, so you can be assured your agronomist’s insight and advice is what is best for your field and your situation — and is not tied to any brand of pesticide or other pest control product. 

Our goal is simply to help you make the best decisions to maximize your productivity and profit.